Sometimes this pulsation can be caused by truly silly things like lifting your legs up above your abdomen or just eating a very large meal and being cold in your hands and legs at the same time. This is often connected to the vasoconstriction and diltataion.

The pressure increase in the largest artery is often to blame for this weird symptom. But sometimes a very dangeours condition called aortic aneurysm can be the cause for such a disease.

A friend of mine asked me a few years ago: “what’s this pulsating thing in my stomach?” and she was really skinny and young so she underwent a CT scan and an ultrasound scan and it turned out to be that she’s simply skinny and her pulsation of the aorta was visible and noticable even without an aneurysm.

I have illustrated where exactly thoracic aortic aneurysm and abdominal aortic aneurysm can be found and that’s it. Hope you like the video…

#aneurysm #aorticaneurysm #chestpain #aorta #drberg #heartdisease #symptomsky