Happy Wellness Wednesday! 💖
It’s week 3️⃣ of Black Herstory Month & we’re back with another video in our Health Disparities series. In this week’s video we talk about navigating High Blood Pressure through prevention & management!

As we know, this is a health condition that heavily impacts our community, so check it out & be sure to share it with your tribe, so they can keep their blood pressure in check, too!

P.S. If you missed weeks 1 & 2 of the series, you can check them out below:
Week One – Why are there still so many health disparities in the Black community?

Week Two – Guard your Heart: Exploring Heart Disease in Black Women

Want to connect with us? Find us on…
💖 The Web @ TheGardenofEpiphani.com
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Have a healthy & wholesome week! 😌

🎵: Meditate x Jee Juh